1. Privacy Policy

GearCo (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') collects, uses, and provides personal information based on the user's 'consent,' and actively ensures the 'user's rights (right to self-determination of personal information).'

The Company complies with the relevant laws and regulations and privacy protection guidelines that information and communication service providers must adhere to. The term "Privacy Policy" refers to the guidelines that the Company must adhere to in order to protect the valuable personal information of users, allowing them to use the service with confidence. This Privacy Policy applies to the Solidner service provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the 'Service').

The Company's Privacy Policy may be revised in accordance with changes in laws and regulations, guidelines, or the Company's terms and internal policies. In the event of revisions, the Company will announce the changes on its website.

Users may refuse consent for the following matters related to the collection, use, provision, and outsourcing of personal information. However, if the user refuses consent, it is important to note that they may not be able to use all or part of the service.

2. Collection of Personal Information

Personal information refers to information about an individual that can identify the individual (including information that, when combined with other information, can easily identify a specific individual).

The Company collects the minimum necessary personal information required for service provision during the process of user registration or service usage.

Methods of collecting personal information include:

When collecting personal information, the Company informs users of the collection in advance and obtains their consent. Personal information is collected through the following methods:

Personal information collected during the service usage process includes:

  1. App Log Analysis using Google Firebase Analytics

The Company utilizes Firebase Analytics, a mobile app usage analysis tool provided by Google. In this case, only app usage information is collected, and information that can identify individuals is not collected. Users can refuse the use of Google Firebase Analytics through the disable function within the service.

  1. App Error Analysis using Google Firebase Crashlytics

The Company uses Firebase Crashlytics, a mobile app error analysis tool provided by Google. In this case, only app error information is collected, and information that can identify individuals is not used. Users can refuse the use of Firebase Crashlytics through the disable function within the service.

3. Use of Personal Information

Used for member management, service provision/improvement, and development of new services. During user registration or the service usage process, the minimum necessary personal information for service provision is collected as follows: